Thursday, October 31, 2019

Theology of the Church II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Theology of the Church II - Essay Example ighlighted by Dules include liturgy renewal, emphasizing the sacristy of the scriptures, reevaluation on the concept of authority, religious liberty, and acceptance of the world. McCormick (3), concentrated on moral theology that was a part of institutional models. The attributes of moral theology were confession-based, sin-centered, seminary-controlled, and magisterium-dominated. Until the 19th century, the Catholic Church was a hierarchical society that was under the leadership of the Pope as the successor of Peter. Inspired by the realization that Christians were capable of affiliating with true church in varying ways, Pope Pius XII in mystici Corporis introduced the concept of mystical body theology. The emphasis by Pius XII was on visible and invisible unity as the body of Christ. The mystical body is identified as the Catholic Church and no one would be a true member of the mystical body without being a member of the Roman Catholic Church (Vatican Council II #64 907). In addition, members of the mystical body had to be bound by faith, sacrament, and obedience in order to partake the Holy communion. Vatican II however emphasized the image of the people of God and its development to imply hierarchical and institutional structures. However, there were no detriments to its authority. However, Vatican Council II distanced itself from referring to the Catholi c church subsist in the Church of Christ thereby Leaving room for other Christian communities (Dulles 430). One weakness of the institutional model is in the tensions arising between the church as a mystical communion of grace and friendly interpersonal relationships. As a social organization, the church needs of charisma are crucial in understanding the tensions intrinsic in the humans and theological tasks of the church. The church needs charismatic priests and this is only achievable through clarification of the needs of priests as humans hence their role on church as an institution (Dulles

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

We Dont Sell Foods, We Sell Health Research Paper - 2

We Dont Sell Foods, We Sell Health - Research Paper Example The target market for this ad is basically full-time housewife who wants taking good care of family and people who are interested in changing body condition by eating healthy foods. In this case, I choose to design this ad looks like a shopping receipt. My core idea is to tell customers Whole Foods Market sells health instead of foods and they buy more percentage to live well with the most competitive prices possible. According to Jenkins, an advert should capture the attention of the audience at a glance (Jefkins & Yadin, 2000). I used the font as the same one on the formal receipt in my ad because I want my audience to recognize it as a receipt immediately. The font color is black and the logo is green just like the Whole Foods current logo. The receipt also seems to be laying on the desk and a little curve in order to make it more stereoscopic and attractive. This feature enhances the clarity of the advert to the customer and brings out more attention and focus on the information provided. The final ad features â€Å"total health† in order to equip the knowledge to customers of the true nature of services available. It shows that complete health awareness is found here. The advert aims at increasing the awareness of customers of the significance of high-quality foods. This implies care on the part of the seller to the customers in promoting the quality and health in life. Vincent argues that an advertisement needs to be colorful and attractive depending on the media used. This captures the attention of the audience and sends a good message with clarity (Vincent, 1989). This receipt is suitable for magazine advertising since it lacks color and can be outstanding in the colorful magazine layout. The message is precise and the advert has been designed in a mode to fit in a small part of the magazine.  Ã‚  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sustainable Development And Its Definitions

Sustainable Development And Its Definitions Sustainable development was defined by (Brundtland, 1987) as a development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need. Economists generally accepted and supported Brundtland definition of sustainable development. Pearce barbier (blueprint for Sustainable Economy, 2000) also defines sustainable development as development that last. They also said that future generations should be entitled to at least the same level of economic well-being as is currently available to the present generation. It can also be defined as meeting human fundamental needs while preserving the life-support systems of the planet Earth. This is a scientific perspective on the sustainable development relation between nature and society. The main pillars of sustainable development are: Economic development Social development and Environmental development The United Nations 2005 World Summit Outcome Document refers the above pillars as the interdependent and mutually reinforcing pillars of sustainable development. There has been an indigenous controversy over the main pillars of sustainable development through various International Forums such as United Nation Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the Conversion of Biological Diversity that there are four pillars of sustainable development which they called the fourth one , Cultural development. Also, The Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (UNESCO, 2001) further detailed the concept by saying that the cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as biodiversity is for nature. This basically becomes one of the roots of development understood not simply in terms of economic growth, but also as a means to achieve a more satisfactory intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual existence. The universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity stated that Cultural diversity is the fourth policy area of sustainable development. This image represents the schemes of sustainable development. Source (Wikipedia encyclopedia on Sustainable Development). Barriers to achieving sustainable development in developing countries. Sustainable development has been widely promoted as a holisticconcept which aims or targets to integrate social, economicand cultural policies to ensure high-quality growth. However, there are barriers combating the implementation of sustainable development in developing countries. These barriers are: Economic / financial barriers Social barriers Political barriers HIV and Injecting Drug use Poor monitoring and evaluation system Institutional barriers Cultural barriers Trade barriers Poverty and disease Climate change Economic and financial barriers: Economists observed that the dominating development model tends to focus on economic growth as precedence rather than peoples rights or welfare, and environmental processes and limits. Various contributors supported economic growth coming first in developing countries, especially least-developed countries (LDCs), and concluded that investment in environmental protection should be left to a later stage of development, essentially accepting environmental degradation to meet immediate needs. In other words, there was a controversy by other researchers saying that the future generations ability to enjoy an acceptable standard of living would be on shambles if due attention were not immediately paid to social and environmental aspects as well as economic. This they said requires shift in the worldview from treating the environment as part of the economy to treating the economy as part of the environment; strategically this means the economy should be adapted to ensure environmental services are maintained. Some contributors recommended developed capitalist societies to act quickly to become more sustainable. Other researchers underscored the imperative for developing countries not to follow the western models of unsustainable development. Three basic constraints to financing sustainable development (SD) are: Competing priorities for limited resources, particularly in LDCs Undelivered pledges made at the international conferences to finance SD. Externalities, such as increased oil prices, conflict, and natural disasters that alter the development priorities of many countries. Initiatives to overcome economic and financial barriers In other to achieve economic growth without threatening social development and environmental resources, new and different vehicles for growth must be oriented to different country situations. Governments should be responsible for market-led problems with incentive for the private sector to become problem-solvers, and not polluters. There is need to shift the incentive and motivating structure for farmers around the world. Policies makers should promote agricultural production that is based on significantly higher labor inputs per area and significantly more diverse production streams. There is need to reform the calculation of economic growth and removal of weapons-related cost from GDP would provide a strong indication of relative spending toward sustainable development to politicians. Justifying the need to abandon linear system of industrial production based on total exploitation of natural resources, over production, and waste generation in favor of a circular system of production using clean technologies and the elimination of waste resources. Social barriers Population growth, paired with unsustainable consumption and production patterns among the wealthy, are the biggest social challenges to achieving sustainable development in the world and developing countries. Absent of a significant change in human behavior, sustainability will not be potential. There are other social barriers which are: The marginalization of the poor and entrenched inequities Limited awareness about sustainable development Environmental issues among both politicians and the wider public fragmented civil society Inadequate interaction between civil society and government Insufficient incentives to for the private sector to pursue sustainable development Initiatives to overcome the social barriers. Need for stronger policies to address income disparity and population growth. The introduction of programmes to create awareness and build capacity in the field of sustainable development among the general public can assist to the change in behavior and lifestyle that is needed to achieve sustainability. Efforts to increase scientific capacity will take place within a context of different funding patterns (which involves philanthropic foundations, business, and governmental and intergovernmental bodies), environmental concerns, and research orientations. Governments must foster their relationships with NGOs and other civil society organizations. Also , civil society must take on a great role in policy making and implementation. Participation of civil society in social programmes and related decision making process would ensure accountability; this will help in creating condition for receiving financial aid or UN assistance. Concrete partnership among national and local governments, the grassroots, private sector, civil society and development actors should be developed. Political barriers: Inadequate economic, social and environmental methods for policies, plans and projects are the major barrier combating the implementation of sustainable development in developing world. Researchers believed that governments are stuck in the old development paradigm ,emphasizing economic growth and believing that industrial countries have made no significant effort to change their patterns in production and consumption, thereby threatening global resources. To meet sustainable development objectives requires genuine political and institutional will at all levels of government in all countries, developed and developing. Nevertheless, Corruption, ineffective government and weak inactive law enforcement are hindrances to achieving genuine sustainability. Moreover, lack of information and relevant data availability, limited capacity of policy and decision-makers were identified as reasons for the limited cooperation of governments. The outcome of the discussion by the World Summit on Sustainable Development that was held in South Africa in 2002 was that sustainable development has not been able to evolve out of its environmental roots and that greater focus on climate change may be pulling the issue towards a purer environmental direction rather than integrating sustainable development perspective. They also warned that SD is being replaced by climate change on the political agenda, leaving the rest of the sustainable development agenda forgotten. Lack of coordination to integrate the three pillars of sustainable development has been a major challenge at all levels. At the global level, the United Nations failed to join together its efforts to promote a genuinely sustainable development. Campaigns for integrating many factors are themselves not harmonized, but try to meet different purposes at different times. It was noted that the sectionalized approach to the MDGs has dissolved the broader context of development, and MDG 7 on sustainable development has been largely neglected in favor of other goals rather than being a basis for achieving the rest of the MDGs. More consistent policies to support SD are needed at the international level, including within the United Nations system. At the regional level, regional agreements on SD and mechanisms for their implementation are not stable. There was an agreement that, at national level, a multi-disciplinary approach to governance is needed rather than the persisting tendency for different line ministries, departments and agencies to act without a clear framework for coordination across sectors. Sectorial systems of governance create and perpetuate silo thinking and behavior. It was observed that there is basically no effective national forum for strategic planning on pro-poor economic growth, social development, environment and climate change for developing countries. For instance, inCentral Asia, it was noted that few countries have policies linking environment, poverty, trade and social development, that few environmental policies target equity or poverty issues, and health policies are still mainly formulated in isolation without blending to related sectors. Also at the institutional level, responsibility for the implementation of sustainable development is generally assigned to the Ministry of Environment, Environmental Protection Agency or the tantamount, which traditionally receive little attention and a insufficient budget. Environmental agency would find it difficult to take a balanced approach to economic growth, social development and environmental protection. Poor community involvement was noted as a final major political barrier to achieving sustainable development goals. A top-down approach by centralized authorities often imposes projects and programmes on local governments. Moreover, policy making and implementation does not take into consideration the grassroots need or involve the lower levels of government. Initiatives to overcome political barrier In combating political barrier, sustainable development strategies must be streamlined, but also applied with more severity. The need for environmental institutions to blend and work with other (non-environmental) institutions. Also all ministries must cooperate and work together to achieve an integrated sustainable development for their countries. Stringent efforts should be directed to encroach structural problems that deform both developmental and environmental prospects by focusing on key injustices, notably in trade, environment and climate change. There should be an analytical work on advanced financing for SD. Poverty and environment linkages must be undertaken to further incorporate economic, social and environmental factors. Basic components like sensitization of political leaders, private sector involvement, and participation of local communities need to be concrete in developmental approach. Capacity-building is also necessary across the board. Progress in sustainable developmental goals involves strong, innovation-driven science and technology policies. HIV and Injecting Drug Use Poverty and disease in relation to HIV and Drug Use frustrates the implementation of sustainable development in many developing countries. In many developing countries, HIV epidemics between injecting drug users (IDUs) are preceding larger epidemics in the broader population. Notwithstanding recent expansion of responses, within individual countries, these tend to be several years behind the pace and scale of the actual epidemic. These are factors closely linked to development. The current policy environment makes it difficult for community-based programmes to prevent HIV between injecting drug users. Deficiency in policy dialogue between sectors of government responsibility for reactions to HIV and drug use There is an economic, social and political breakdown which leads to increase in drug injecting, needle sharing and, consequently HIV. Inadequate community capacity, in terms of skills, resources and experience to respond to HIV among IDUs. Injecting drug users, especially women, being demonized for their drug use, rather than supported, placing them at particular risk of both human rights abuses and HIV infection Donor agencies and countries alike failing to recognize the long-term threat to development posed by HIV and injecting drug use. Initiatives to overcome HIV and Injecting Drug Use UNDP and partner agencies, especially UNAIDS and UNDCP, are in a unique and appropriate position to take the lead in the planning and implementation of responses in the following areas: Policy dialogue and reform Programme development and monitoring Creating awareness and understanding of the development implications of HIV and IDU Powering community capacity to respond Addressing gender considerations Responding to legal , ethical and human right issues Also there is need to implement the MDGs in all developing countries especially on reducing poverty and ensuring good health. Poor monitoring and evaluation systems A basic problem is lack of specific targets (globally, nationally and at local level), measurement and data to track progress, resulting in a lack of information available to decision-makers. It is suggested for strengthening monitoring and evaluation of sustainable development strategies in order to establish a dynamic improvement process, with an objective of increasing their effectiveness. It is recommended that governments should turn up deeper and assess the socio-economicimpacts of developmental projects, rather thanthe outcomealone. Initiatives to overcome poor monitoring and evaluation systems Co-ordination of data within which the vast amount of data can be easily accessed. Countries specific knowledge bases are needed to guide decision making. This is a comprehensive mechanism for monitoring the outcomes of interventions that feeds into subsequent planning processes. National research and development systems need to be strengthened, as well as south-south and south-north knowledge sharing and management. Institutional barriers Institutional barriers as a result of lack of institutional experience to operate all the mechanism of democratic system has been combating and frustrating sustainable development in many developing countries. Since the end of the civil war, developing countries have made a striking movement towards democratic capitalism as the operative model of governance. Moreover in making that transition, many countries discovered that they lack institutional experience to operate all the mechanism of democratic system. They discovered that they have never witness free and fair elections with a full ballot of candidates from multiple parties. In other hand, they were not prepared to run a parliament, also not prepared to have journalists and broadcasters looking at the problems of government in a very public way. Initiatives to overcome institutional barrier Generating enough scientific capacity and institutional support in developing countries is particularly urgent as they are most vulnerable to the multiple stresses arising from rapid, simultaneous changes in social and environmental system. USAID and other governmental donors have facilitated institutional building to help these countries to help these countries fix all the mechanism operating in an open democratic society. Sponsoring democratic programs, introducing new approaches to crisis management and conflicts analysis to assist opposing parties in resolving their peacefully and within the framework that a democratic system provides. Trade barriers Basically developing countries find the EUs strict food safety requirements disruptive to trade. In addition to sanitary standards, new technical product specifications and industrial norms might obstruct the exports of developing countries .The EU introduced a series of directives varying from technical specifications for cars, weighing machines and toys, to the compulsory labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), eggs and voluntary eco-labels. In addition to Community standards, there are regulations at the member-state level. However the level to which this continual flow of new standards helps to restrict imports from developing countries is not properly known. It is clear, however, that WTO notification leads to protests by developing countries .Some of the developing countries expressed their concern, regarding new EU directives on discarded electronic apparatuses proposed by the Commission in 2000 Initiatives to overcome trade barriers Trade liberalization including the removal of existing distortion in international trade must be pursued to support sustainable development policies in developing countries. Sustainable development requires a dynamic international economy and an open, equitable, secure, non-discriminatory and predictable multilateral trading system to support sound domestic economic and environmental policies in both developed and developing countries. Trade and environment should be reciprocally supportive in the pursuit of sustainable development. Conclusion In achieving sustainable development, the 3pillars of SD should be integrated. Progress in sustainability will require fostering problem -driven , interdisciplinary research; building capacity for research; creating coherent system of research planning , operational monitoring , assessment , and application; and providing reliable long term financial support. The need to generate adequate scientific capacity and institutional support in developing countries is particularly urgent as they are most vulnerable to multiple stresses that arise from rapid, simultaneous changes in social and environmental systems. REFERENCES Achieving Sustainable Development, an e-journal of the U.S Department of State.April 2002, volume 1, Num 1. Barbier, E.,1987.The Concept of Sustainable Economic Development.Environmental Conservation, 14(2):101-110 Promoting trade for sustainable development by UNCTAD Secretariat ( Pearce, D., A. Markandya and E. Barbier,1989.Blueprint for a green economy,Earthscan, London, Great Britain UNDP, 2006. Making Progress on environmental sustainability. Lessons and recommendations from a review of over 150 MDG country experiences ( Summary of e -discussion on achieving sustainable development, April 2008. ( Sustainability science , science 292.5517 (April 27 ,2001):p 641. Working together towards SD ( World Summit Outcome Document 2005,World Health Organization, 15 September 2005

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Wedding :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In â€Å"The Wedding,† by Dorothy West, the major development I saw was in the character of Shelby. From the beginning till the end, the character changes and deals with many changes. Throughout the novel Shelby knows what she wants, knows she never gave a black a chance, and then decides whom she will marry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the beginning of the novel, Shelby is well focused and knows what she wants. She doesn’t care of what others think. Shelby stays focused on what going to take place and continues with the wedding. Many of her relative’s tries to talk her out of the marriage between her and the white-man, Meade. Although, she did have a little feeling for Lute.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Towards the middle of the novel, Shelby seems to feel a little confused and doesn’t really know what she wants. What people have been telling her seems to be sinking in. She begins to feel a little confused on what she really wants. Especially after the argument between her and her father, Clark. She expected him to support her, yet he also turns his back on her. At this time she feel confused and doesn’t know what to think or what to do. A talk with Liz, Shelby’s sister, convinces her to give a black a chance. Liz explains to Shelby on how she will have to live with her knowing she didn’t give a black a chance. It might come back to haunt her later.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Shelby decides to give the black a chance and decides see Lute. She feels good about seeing Lute, giving her a new sensation, a new feeling. Things seem to be okay and she is almost convinced of not marring Meade. Shelby gives Lute the idea she likes him and want to marry him. Right when Shelby is beginning to feel for Lute, he blows it when he decides to fight with his wife for a divorce. Shelby then is convinced of who she wants to marry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Toward the end of the novel, Shelby is convinced and decides whom she really wants to marry. She decides to stick with her original plans and marries Meade.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Slavery in Rome and China

1. In ancient Rome slavery became the indispensable foundation of the economy, and social status was a way to have political privilege and was praised upon in society. But in ancient China, they didn’t have as many slaves as the Romans, the had more of peasants contributing to society by working in fields, laboring on imperial estates, and maintaining canal channels. Chinese slaves also had legal protections provided by contracts specifying and limiting what would be demanded of them. The government depended more on a large population of free peasants to contribute taxes and services to the state instead of ordering people to do it under a contract. Slaves weren't as important to China as to Rome because they did not rely on the labor of a large slave population, they were merely a provided service or someone to do chores more than an actual slave. The treatment of Chinese slaves was much less harsh of the Romans, mostly because it was against the law to kill your slave, kings even lost their kingdoms after it was found they had murdered their slaves. Slaves were mostly treated unjust and badly from their master, and were viewed as other forms of property. They were mostly treated like property when they were sold and purchased by masters. When they talked back or refused to work, most slaves were severely punished, although it was illegal to kill your slave in China. When they worked they were used to farm and fix things and with no rest or appreciation, inhuman things that were made for animals or tools. In ancient China the slaves â€Å"humanity† came into account when the Qin government sought to abolish slavery. However, the institution persisted into the Han dynasty and the Qin were unsuccessful in the abolishment of slavery, but it showed that the treatment of slaves were unjust and how they wanted to prohibit it. 3. Since slaves were overworked, and improperly treated most slaves tried some passive resistant tactics that slaves resorted to, to revolt against their master in a non violent manner. Most slaves made excuses not to work, blaming it on the weather, maybe even other slaves, and maybe the lack of tools or machinery for them to use. Some even slept too much to blame it on the lack of sleep their getting from overworking. The slaves did not really achieve anything but more work that had to be done. If it was raining outside, then they had to work inside, and if they complained about it they were punished. Slaves in china resulted in protection by a contract which made them protected by the government if masters broke the contract.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Worst Teacher

I have a terrible teacher in my middle school life, his name is Jian Yang. Mr. Yang was my Chinese teacher, he has model stature, but every time I bethink his face, I feel nausea. I had dreamed about him several times, his face was clearly emerging in my mind, I will never forget his pair of fierce eyes and that wicked mouth. Mr. Yang was the worst teacher in my middle school, although most my middle school’s teachers are not very good. My middle school is a private school. When I was sophomore, Mr. Yang and our Music teacher had been espousal at same year. We all think they will have a ceremonious wedding soon. But the fact is not what we think. In Chinese school, every teacher has an assistant in each class, those assistants help teacher pick up papers and books, or take homework from us and edit then. My friend Yu was Mr. Yang’s assistant. Yu was a cute girl, she have nice voice and smooth long hair. But I detected a strange thing; every time she back to classroom from Mr. Yang’s office, her emotion had been changed, sometimes glad, sometimes displeased. â€Å"Mr.  Yang must did something to her,† I thought, anyway it’s not my business. Five years later, once all my middle school’s friends and I went to my birthday party, I began to ask our middle school career’s mysteries of the unknown. Yu began to crying, I understand why, and ask her â€Å"you cry because Mr. Yang, right? † â€Å"Yes. † She answered. Then I took her to side. She said as she cried â€Å"He is my boyfriend. † I been shocked, doesn’t he have fiancee? Is this the reason why Mr. Yang and our music teacher haven’t done their wedding yet? I have a thousand questions to ask Yu, but it isn’t right timing. Yu kept telling me, and my eyes being opened more and more large. â€Å"Wait; did you just say you went to hotel with him? † I ask her. â€Å"Um†¦ He also asks me some excessive demands. About†¦Ã¢â‚¬  At same time, I can’t inhibit my dander. I tried to call my friend and go find him, but Yu stopped me. â€Å"Let him go, we were just break, I believe that he won’t have a blest wedding. † Right, I thought, he did once, and then he will do twice, until he die, he will never find true love. Whenever I bethink of this event, I can’t stop to think and image Mr. Yang’s lousy eyes. I remember once my classmate Henry and I got a fight in second floor of our school’s hostel. This event becomes a legend in my middle school. The source of the story is, one day afternoon, my friend Bob and I were playing soccer in ours room. After 30 minute Bob has accidentally kicked our roommate Henry’s kettle. We looked at each other’s face and slackened about ten seconds, and then he hastily said, â€Å"Hide it! And never mention this kettle, or†¦ stay it, anyway no one knows. I nod immediately because I felt like I am an ant on a hot pan, but after half hour, this guilty feeling has gradually disappeared. â€Å"I didn’t break anything,† I thought, â€Å"but I won’t tell anyone Bob did it. † Until to evening, we were all going to class, suddenly, a loud voice came â€Å"Who did it! Who break my kettle!? † â€Å"No one break your kettle! Go to your sit and sit! † our math teacher stand behind Henry and said; Henry have got to do so. After evening class, Henry walked to me and asked about his broken kettle. I pretend to do my homework and said â€Å"Don’t know. Then I were peeping him once when he walked away. Second evening class was Mr. Yang’s Chinese class, After this period, every student began to walk back to school’s hostel; I followed people until to second floor of the hostel, a soft and cold voice came to my right ear, even I can felt that breath, â€Å"I know is you, swindler. † â€Å"What did you just said?! † I yelled. And then he yelled back â€Å"I know is you broke my kettle, Bob told everything to me. † Suddenly, I felt I been insult, I lost my mind, clenched my fist and gave his nose a full power punch, and he punched back of course. The result of this fight was disastrous, Henry’s nose bone been broke by me, and my right calf been cut and the wound is about three inches. That’s why this event becomes a legend in my middle school. We two have been taken to hospital then, two hours later we two back to our room. Henry’s bad is below mine, a kind of heavy atmosphere around this room for whole night. At 12 o’clock Mr. Yang came to our room, he punched my right calf and yelled â€Å"you! Get up! † And this punch such as rubbing salt in my wound. I groan out â€Å"what are you doing?! † â€Å"What did you do,† he asked back to me, â€Å"You just broke a nose bone, don’t you know it? â€Å"I know, but he cut my leg also,† I watched his angry eyes and keep groan out; â€Å"you even don’t realize the fact and conclude it my fault? † â€Å"The fact is you hurt Henry,† he said. I hesitate two second, it’s really my fault? Henry didn’t hurt me? I know the fact is Henry cut my calf, and Mr. Yang punched at same wound just 10 second ago. I was hardly getting up and trying to debate with Mr. Yang, â€Å"He was†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Mr. Yang interrupts my speech and yelled â€Å"You have nothing to argue, school will expel you! † Then he shut the door hardly. I can’t believe it, he such a dictator and gave m e a conviction. While I’m thinking, Henry laughed. Then he said â€Å"deserved nemesis, you know who am I? My dad and our president are old friend. I can even call the president dad. † I was silenced. At that time, I understood everything. I understood why Mr. Yang says that, but why does he punch my calf, will he get his wage growth up? By this point, I classify Mr. Yang is a lackey. A teacher teaches student a lot of things; include morality, not just education. You may never meet a teacher such like Mr. Yang. Something that cannot be publicity, but I must write about it. I will never meet a teacher â€Å"great† then Mr. Yang.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Indolence and Indolent

Indolence and Indolent Indolence and Indolent Indolence and Indolent By Maeve Maddox When I heard an NPR reporter use the expression â€Å"passive indolence,† I decided I’d better look up the word because I thought indolent included the idea of passivity. I couldn’t imagine, for example, talking about â€Å"active indolence.† The noun indolence has traveled a long way from its original meaning of â€Å"freedom from pain.† The Latin noun indolentia means â€Å"freedom from pain.† The abstract noun came from the Latin verb dolere, â€Å"to be pained† and the negative prefix in, â€Å"not.† Indolentia was a state of not being in pain. In modern medical usage, indolence and the adjective indolent retain the meaning of absence of pain: indolent: causing little pain; slow growing. Examples of indolent and indolence in the context of pathology: indolent ulcers occur on the upper lip of cats at almost any age. Indolent lymphomas are usually not considered curable because the cancer grows too slowly to be targeted accurately by most modern treatments. Prostate Cancer Indolence vs Aggressiveness Progress in the Treatment of Indolent Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) In general usage, however, indolence means, â€Å"the disposition to avoid trouble; love of ease.† Indolent is also a synonym for lazy. In the sense of taking things easy or giving oneself over to relaxation, indolence is not necessarily a bad thing. Hard-working people deserve occasional spells of indolence: lying on the beach or drowsing in a hammock on a pleasant afternoon. It is when people habitually avoid their responsibilities that indolence becomes a vice. the arrogance of orthodox economists, and the indolence of mainstream journalists. the authorities have already been breaking [the law] through their incapacity or their indolence in the face of the crisis of insecurity. China Punishes 20,000 Officials For Waste, Mediocrity, Indolence Mitt Romney: ‘â€Å"Nonworking parents† raise â€Å"indolent and unproductive† kids. Gordon slams indolent congressmen for lack of quorum in the House Indolence and indolent are useful words to describe laziness and irresponsibility, but an expression like â€Å"passive indolence† seems pleonastic. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsDifference between "Pressing" and "Ironing"How Long Should a Synopsis Be?

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Ethics and Darwinism

ETHICS AND DARWINISM [PART I] by Trevor Major, M.Sc., M.A. Charles Darwin never lived to enjoy the popularity of his own theory. It would take another few decades for â€Å"descent by modification† to dominate the biological sciences. Certainly, he won some important victories. The Origin of Species (1859) gave impetus to the growing naturalism of the day. It devastated the prevailing religious dogma of species fixity, and thus undermined ecclesiastical authority on scientific matters. This success attracted a host of social and political reformers who wished to attack the conservative influence of the Anglican church. If evolution could challenge the status quo in science, then perhaps it could challenge the status quo in fields as far flung as law, economics, social policy, and ethics. Yet Darwin, who shared the reformers’ liberal leanings, saw no application of his theory outside biology. The willingness to appropriate evolution, and the motivations behind it, has changed little in the last hundred years. Darwinism continues to attract an enthusiastic bevy of supporters who see the work of natural selection in every part of the Universe, from physics to psychology, and from genes to human culture. As I hope to show in this article, the attempt to derive ethics from Darwinism is flawed fundamentally, and the implications certainly are not consistent with a Christian world view. Also, I would like to look at a relatively new idea that attempts to extend biology into the realm of sociology via an extremely bad analogy. Darwin, it seems, was right to be suspicious: even he would not condone the subjecting of all human endeavor to the workings of natural selection. SOCIAL DARWINISM The Obsession with Progress It is easy to underestimate the social and historical context in which Darwin operated. This is not to say, in the spirit of relativism, that natural selection, like any theory of science, is true only for a cert... Free Essays on Ethics and Darwinism Free Essays on Ethics and Darwinism ETHICS AND DARWINISM [PART I] by Trevor Major, M.Sc., M.A. Charles Darwin never lived to enjoy the popularity of his own theory. It would take another few decades for â€Å"descent by modification† to dominate the biological sciences. Certainly, he won some important victories. The Origin of Species (1859) gave impetus to the growing naturalism of the day. It devastated the prevailing religious dogma of species fixity, and thus undermined ecclesiastical authority on scientific matters. This success attracted a host of social and political reformers who wished to attack the conservative influence of the Anglican church. If evolution could challenge the status quo in science, then perhaps it could challenge the status quo in fields as far flung as law, economics, social policy, and ethics. Yet Darwin, who shared the reformers’ liberal leanings, saw no application of his theory outside biology. The willingness to appropriate evolution, and the motivations behind it, has changed little in the last hundred years. Darwinism continues to attract an enthusiastic bevy of supporters who see the work of natural selection in every part of the Universe, from physics to psychology, and from genes to human culture. As I hope to show in this article, the attempt to derive ethics from Darwinism is flawed fundamentally, and the implications certainly are not consistent with a Christian world view. Also, I would like to look at a relatively new idea that attempts to extend biology into the realm of sociology via an extremely bad analogy. Darwin, it seems, was right to be suspicious: even he would not condone the subjecting of all human endeavor to the workings of natural selection. SOCIAL DARWINISM The Obsession with Progress It is easy to underestimate the social and historical context in which Darwin operated. This is not to say, in the spirit of relativism, that natural selection, like any theory of science, is true only for a cert...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Study on Political Support and the Participation of Eligible Voters in California In Comparison To National Turnout

A Study on Political Support and the Participation of Eligible Voters in California In Comparison To National Turnout Political participation What is the voter turnout rate in last THREE (3) Presidential elections in California, and how did it compare to the voter turnout rate nationally? Was there a significant difference between the national rate and the rate in California? What are at least TWO (2) factors do you suppose might explain it? Voter turnout in presidential elections over the years has been slightly above average ranging between 50% and 63% nationally (p.172). In the recent past, 2008 presidential election had the highest voter turnout with 62.3% casting their ballots. The following presidential elections has a slightly low turnout that averaged 57.5% being a 5% decline based on the percentage turnout in 2008. The recently concluded presidential elections in 2016 had a slight improvement in voter turnout having a 58% voter turnout which was slightly higher than the percentage in 2012 although was still short by approximately 4% from the 2008 voter turnout. The changes in voter turnout are based on a number of factors that includes the appeal of the candidates to the citizens as well as the underlying political ideologies that are held by the candidates (P.173). California is one of the states in the United States that has been having an active political participation where they have been coming out in large numbers to exercise their democratic right. Voter turnout in California State in the 2008 presidential election was extremely high at 79.4% turnout. Hispanics are the majority citizens in the state by approximately 38%. The 2008 presidential election brought significant promise to the people of California especially all the minority who supported the winning candidate Barack Obama who was the first African American president in the United States. Many of the residents shared the ideology of the democrat president. Voter turnout in the following election in 2012 was slightly lower where the turnout was 72% which was 7% lower that the turnout in the 2008 elections (P.183). A key element that can help understand this development is the underlying focus on the fact that the citizens had reduced belief due to unfulfilled promises during the 2008 presidential elections. In the 2016 presidential elections, California had a 75.3% voter turnout that was higher than turnout in 2012 although still 4% lower than the 2008 voter turnout. The slight increase will most likely be attributed to the appeal of the candidates. It is important to note that in the 2016 elections, Hillary Clinton won in California mainly because she was more appealing to the Hispanics and other minority groups in the state than Donald Trump despite the fact that she was unable to win based on the Electoral College system (p.185). Political parties Which of the TWO (2) major political parties in the United States are most likely to face alignment in the coming years and why? Which of the two major political parties does your ideology most align with? Alignment in politics focuses in the underlying ideology that is being help by individuals within a given political environment. Therefore there is need to develop a greater focus on the underlying need to develop a positive understanding under which it would be possible to understand the key aspects that need to be considered. Therefore, in the United States the political parties that face alignment in the coming Republican and democratic parties. Parties are necessary and crucial within any given environment since they allow development of different ideologies and allow their followers to choose the best ideology that they are able to relate to (P. 189). American political parties are the oldest in the world and they have maintained very opposite ideologies where each party has been advancing their own ideologies based on their principles and thus they have a great following where people align themselves to either of the party in their effort to be in power. The founders of the nation disliked the notion of political parties where they asserted that they would bring disharmony and lack of understanding among the people of the United States (P.192). The divergent opinions that are raised by these parties shows that there exists less chance of having a common ideology between the members of these parties although it is important to understand that matters of national interests are handled effectively even though the methodology that is applied by one party might be different from the other. This has been quite evident over the years where the presidents have come from either side of the political divide where they have developed major policies that have been able to move the country forward as a block rather than significantly divided based on ideas or any other factors (P. 195). Between the two major political parties in the country, my ideology mostly aligns with the Democrats. I believe in social liberalism where there is a common understanding between individual liberty, social justice and common good. Progressive social causes are aimed at creating an overall positive understanding under which it is possible to have a better understanding on social development putting into consideration the wellbeing of others. I understand that there is need to focus on positive integral change that can be effectively aligned within the society where every individual plays an important role in ensuring that there is a positive development under which it is possible to move forward as a country. I like to see positive development across the different social classes. This can only be achieved based on the ideology that is being held by the Democratic Party.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Organisational Behaviour - Assignment Example Reaching goals in this manner is a form of performance management as "performance management includes activities to ensure that goals are consistently being met in an effective and efficient manner. Performance management can focus on performance of the organization, a department, processes to build a product or service, employees, etc.," as reported by McNamara (1997-2006). creation of shareholder wealth over time," reports Stewart (2006). TCS uses EVA as a tool to measure the value that has been created by the company within a certain amount of time. In other words, TCS's monetary value at the beginning of a time period is subtracted from the monetary value at the end of that period in order to come up with the EVA. The workforce's pay and bonuses were then based on this EVA. This created a close relationship between work performance and pay. Most of TSA's workforce scope of EVA, only a few were able to benefit from Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs). Retirement Terminology (n.d.) states that an ESOP "gives employees the opportunity to invest in the potential growth of their employer. If the company prospers, stock will follow suit. But, stock can decline if the fortunes of the company take a turn for the worse. Also, employees can become over invested, and be vulnerable to inadequate portfolio diversity." From management on down, all benefited from the advantages of EVA. Employees realised that they played a part in increasing the EVA of the unit and the organisation. They also realised the importance of their responsibilities as there was a close link between performance and pay. The bonus banks also confirmed the connection and the importance of responsibilities. Due to an increase in EVA resulting in an increase in pay, teamwork was better achieved and all acquired a sense of belonging. All were involved in making decisions which empowered the staff members. They benefited from pride of ownership which causes people to work harder. Employees received credibility as they were rewarded for their performance and those who fell below par were given Organisational Behaviour 4 additional training. Other benefits included focusing on long term goals and increased transparency as communication amongst all staff members, particularly within a unit, had increased. The company revealed one of the lowest attrition rates of the Indian IT businesses. The average employee turnover rate at that time (2004) was 15% yet

Content Analysis of the text Conflict using Boundry Crossing Essay

Content Analysis of the text Conflict using Boundry Crossing Techniques - Essay Example Eventually conflict is a product of miscommunication or misunderstanding. During discourses, conflict arises whenever parties or people tend to insist their own ideas that do not fit to the others. The result is for the others to respond negatively to particular claims, hence bringing them into a complex conflict situation. It is a chaotic incidence when during conflict situation all those who are involved in the conflict situation shout to each other insisting their needs, ideas or belief. How language is being conceptualized in during these heated conversations? Most of the conflicts that happened are caused by the gravity of words being thrown by a particular person or group against the other. Words are powerful element that can make someone’s temper rise to the extent of conflicts that can not be resolved. Even in marital conflicts, mostly it is the words from both parties that make relationships wrecked. A woman could be nagging to man. In response, man will shout to the woman blaming her for a lot of things. The woman will also blame the man for all of his short comings. Out of that situation, language is conceptualized. Conflict started because of assigning blame to each other manifested in harsh words (Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen, 1999). It is driven by emotions, and such things make conflict worse. However, conflict could be made lighter, once husband and wife talk about the problems, wherein conflict is managed and resolved (Robinson, J., 1997). Conflict could be measured on varying levels. This is to give us an idea how it can be measured and the corresponding effects. The more people is involved in the conflict, the more people is affected, then the higher the level it is. Forms of conflict may be interpersonal, group, and organizational conflict (Dewine, S., Gibson, Melissa, K., and Smith, Matthew J., 1999). The effect of conflict would be

Production of an Industrial Blood Research Paper

Production of an Industrial Blood - Research Paper Example Industrial Production Since there is periodic blood shortage, there is need to industrially produce blood to counter the shortage, as well as the emerging concerns that arise from infection transmission that are attributed to blood transfusions. The infection through blood transmission was sporadic in the late 80s and early 90s, therefore bringing up the need to industrially produce blood (Goldman et al 15). S. Kimoto of the School of medicine in Tokyo University initially enhanced progress towards industrial production of blood. The discovery made by Dr. Kimoto together with assistance from S Kambara was successful in the production of a synthetic substance capable of transporting reasonable amount of oxygen. Dr. Kimoto was able to extract haematin from a cow’s blood and ultimately adding the large molecules of the polysterin type that would be capable of obtaining matter that would in turn release oxygen to the body (Assembly of the Japanese Medical Society, 213). Moreover, by 2006, there was hemoglobin analog that had received approval for human use in the United States (Newton, 66). Newton continues to assert that a veterinary product called oxyglobin that is essentially produced by Biopure, a pharmaceutical company, received approval in the United States and the Europe. In 2001, its human counterpart known as Hemopure was ready for human use in South Africa. Therefore, this was the first hemoglobin analog to attain approval for human use in the world. It is imperative to ascertain that South Africa approved the product because the country needed alternative transfusions since its supply of human blood was at high risk of being damaged by the HIV and hepatitis C viruses (Newton). Compassionately, according to Newton, Hemopure has also been widely used in the United States in almost forty cases. Compassionate-use is a situation that occurs when a patient has developed serious medical condition that requires special attention, thus instigating the Unit ed States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to grant a special, normally one-time permission to utilize a substance that has not yet been officially approved for human use. Similarly, in august 2001, another industrially produced blood called PolyHeme was subjected for approval to the FDA by Northfield Labs, its manufacturer. PolyHeme is the end product of the extraction of Red blood cells and filtering them to sieve impurities, thereafter modifying them through certain chemicals to produce the polymerized hemoglobin analog (Newton 66). Some researchers are on the verge of applying a very different approach in industrial production of blood that will have its focus on synthesizing non-natural substances with blood-like properties. One advantage that this approach can boast of is avoiding animal or human blood, or any of its components. Specifically, some researchers are applying the use of certain chemicals called perfluorocarbons (PFCs). In this regard, fluorine atoms replace hydr ocarbons. Significant achievements were obtained when the first PFC to be commercially marketed was called Fluosol-DA that was manufactured by Japan’s Green Cross Corporation in 1983 (Newton, 66). Fluosol product had the objective of creating the first industrially prod

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Psycho (the movie) Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Alfred Hitchcock's Contribution To Cinema - Essay Example Aristotle, in the Poetics, while attempted to provide definition of tragedy, provided a great deal of emphasis over purgation of â€Å"pity† and â€Å"fear† and as a tragedy effectively provides an emotional outlet to such human sensibilities, is also capable of attaining appreciation of the audience: â€Å"Tragedy, then, is an imitation of an action that is serious and complete, and which has some greatness about it. It imitates in words with pleasant accompaniments, each type belonging separately to the different parts of the work. It imitates people performing actions and does not rely on narration. It achieves, through pity and fear, the catharsis of these sorts of feelings† (Aristotle; Cited in Shields 385). Despite the fact that context of the topic of discussion does not really provide sufficient scope to evaluate that how successful the movie Psycho (1960) is as a tragedy, however, relevance of this definition seems quite evident as explicit evidence can be cited, indicating the fact that behind development of a successful commercial film, Hitchcock has relied considerably on the features of purgation as well as providing attention over psychological state of the audience, as pointed out in the classical definition itself. It would be wrong if the success of the Psycho is evaluated entirely from the commercial perspective. The director, in an interview though, has admitted that the film was made on a budget of â€Å"eight hundred thousand dollars† and till the date of interview â€Å"it has grossed some fifteen million dollars† (Hitchcock; Kolker 21), however, it cannot be denied that in order to attain such a great success from artistic, aesthetic and commercial perspective the directorial ingeniousness regarding the art of filmmaking and perceiving audience’s psychology played a very vital part.

Establish and Maintain Quality Customer Relations for a Small Business Assignment

Establish and Maintain Quality Customer Relations for a Small Business Enterprise - Assignment Example Research customer needs and preferences a) Briefly outline what your business does, what your products and services are, your target market and how your business operates on a day to day basis. Our company sells a dual SIM handheld mobile device that can go online simultaneously. This celphone has also the functionality of T.V. and is capable of running video games in JAVA. It is coupled with a service center that could also serve as an after sales support if our customers will have an issue with their phones. The primary market for our celphones are the business people and professionals because they are the heavy users of mobile phones and needs to be connected all the time. We believe that our dual SIM celphones will be attractive to them, as market research showed, because they have the convenience of dual connectivity without the inconvenience of carrying an extra phone. We will sell our dual SIM celphone through our outlets located strategically in technology hubs where potentia l customers frequent to avail a celphone. Daily operations involves selling our dual SIM celphones, entertaining inquiries and complaints and servicing defective celphones. b) Part A: Identify the types of formal and informal research and communication channels you will use to identify customer needs and preferences. Ensure both quantitative and qualitative data are obtained. Explain how the research will be carried out. Type of research How will it be carried out 1. Survey 2. Market Research 1. Select randomly from the representatives of the market through a form of a questionnaire where such market samples will be asked for their inclination towards a dual SIM celphone. Answers will then be tabulated to determine if indeed the market has an inclination towards our products. 2. To determine the extent and size of the market, a market research has to be done to determine the celphone usage which will serve as our market. The rate of celphone usage will determine the size of our mark et. The data of the number of celphone users can be done by collating data from the mobile phone carriers. Part B: Collect and analyse the data Findings: Formal research: The answers from the survey will be tabulated to determine our hypothesis that there is a market for a dual SIM celphone. The survey conducted indicated that the market is willing to try a dual SIM celphone and this willingness to try a dual SIM celphone can be cultivated from a growing to a full market to sell our phone. Informal research Our market research indicated as there is almost 100 % subscription to mobile telephone carriers (Vodafone:Â  2,465,000 (46.71%), Telecom:Â   2,192,000 (41.54%), 2degrees: 580,112 (10.99%). Deducing from this, it means that we have a huge market for our dual SIM celphone as almost everybody are celphone users. If we can capture enough market share to this mobile users, our business venture can prove to be profitable. SOUTHERN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY National Certificate in Smal l Business Management Assignment 2 Communication channels: The communication channel will be in a form of the traditional pen and paper where data will be collected by asking market representative to answer the survey objectively. In the case of informal research, this can be done by obtaining annual

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Production of an Industrial Blood Research Paper

Production of an Industrial Blood - Research Paper Example Industrial Production Since there is periodic blood shortage, there is need to industrially produce blood to counter the shortage, as well as the emerging concerns that arise from infection transmission that are attributed to blood transfusions. The infection through blood transmission was sporadic in the late 80s and early 90s, therefore bringing up the need to industrially produce blood (Goldman et al 15). S. Kimoto of the School of medicine in Tokyo University initially enhanced progress towards industrial production of blood. The discovery made by Dr. Kimoto together with assistance from S Kambara was successful in the production of a synthetic substance capable of transporting reasonable amount of oxygen. Dr. Kimoto was able to extract haematin from a cow’s blood and ultimately adding the large molecules of the polysterin type that would be capable of obtaining matter that would in turn release oxygen to the body (Assembly of the Japanese Medical Society, 213). Moreover, by 2006, there was hemoglobin analog that had received approval for human use in the United States (Newton, 66). Newton continues to assert that a veterinary product called oxyglobin that is essentially produced by Biopure, a pharmaceutical company, received approval in the United States and the Europe. In 2001, its human counterpart known as Hemopure was ready for human use in South Africa. Therefore, this was the first hemoglobin analog to attain approval for human use in the world. It is imperative to ascertain that South Africa approved the product because the country needed alternative transfusions since its supply of human blood was at high risk of being damaged by the HIV and hepatitis C viruses (Newton). Compassionately, according to Newton, Hemopure has also been widely used in the United States in almost forty cases. Compassionate-use is a situation that occurs when a patient has developed serious medical condition that requires special attention, thus instigating the Unit ed States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to grant a special, normally one-time permission to utilize a substance that has not yet been officially approved for human use. Similarly, in august 2001, another industrially produced blood called PolyHeme was subjected for approval to the FDA by Northfield Labs, its manufacturer. PolyHeme is the end product of the extraction of Red blood cells and filtering them to sieve impurities, thereafter modifying them through certain chemicals to produce the polymerized hemoglobin analog (Newton 66). Some researchers are on the verge of applying a very different approach in industrial production of blood that will have its focus on synthesizing non-natural substances with blood-like properties. One advantage that this approach can boast of is avoiding animal or human blood, or any of its components. Specifically, some researchers are applying the use of certain chemicals called perfluorocarbons (PFCs). In this regard, fluorine atoms replace hydr ocarbons. Significant achievements were obtained when the first PFC to be commercially marketed was called Fluosol-DA that was manufactured by Japan’s Green Cross Corporation in 1983 (Newton, 66). Fluosol product had the objective of creating the first industrially prod

Establish and Maintain Quality Customer Relations for a Small Business Assignment

Establish and Maintain Quality Customer Relations for a Small Business Enterprise - Assignment Example Research customer needs and preferences a) Briefly outline what your business does, what your products and services are, your target market and how your business operates on a day to day basis. Our company sells a dual SIM handheld mobile device that can go online simultaneously. This celphone has also the functionality of T.V. and is capable of running video games in JAVA. It is coupled with a service center that could also serve as an after sales support if our customers will have an issue with their phones. The primary market for our celphones are the business people and professionals because they are the heavy users of mobile phones and needs to be connected all the time. We believe that our dual SIM celphones will be attractive to them, as market research showed, because they have the convenience of dual connectivity without the inconvenience of carrying an extra phone. We will sell our dual SIM celphone through our outlets located strategically in technology hubs where potentia l customers frequent to avail a celphone. Daily operations involves selling our dual SIM celphones, entertaining inquiries and complaints and servicing defective celphones. b) Part A: Identify the types of formal and informal research and communication channels you will use to identify customer needs and preferences. Ensure both quantitative and qualitative data are obtained. Explain how the research will be carried out. Type of research How will it be carried out 1. Survey 2. Market Research 1. Select randomly from the representatives of the market through a form of a questionnaire where such market samples will be asked for their inclination towards a dual SIM celphone. Answers will then be tabulated to determine if indeed the market has an inclination towards our products. 2. To determine the extent and size of the market, a market research has to be done to determine the celphone usage which will serve as our market. The rate of celphone usage will determine the size of our mark et. The data of the number of celphone users can be done by collating data from the mobile phone carriers. Part B: Collect and analyse the data Findings: Formal research: The answers from the survey will be tabulated to determine our hypothesis that there is a market for a dual SIM celphone. The survey conducted indicated that the market is willing to try a dual SIM celphone and this willingness to try a dual SIM celphone can be cultivated from a growing to a full market to sell our phone. Informal research Our market research indicated as there is almost 100 % subscription to mobile telephone carriers (Vodafone:Â  2,465,000 (46.71%), Telecom:Â   2,192,000 (41.54%), 2degrees: 580,112 (10.99%). Deducing from this, it means that we have a huge market for our dual SIM celphone as almost everybody are celphone users. If we can capture enough market share to this mobile users, our business venture can prove to be profitable. SOUTHERN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY National Certificate in Smal l Business Management Assignment 2 Communication channels: The communication channel will be in a form of the traditional pen and paper where data will be collected by asking market representative to answer the survey objectively. In the case of informal research, this can be done by obtaining annual

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A close focus on act III of The Crucible Essay Example for Free

A close focus on act III of The Crucible Essay The play, The crucible, shows how people react to mass hysteria caused by a group of people, as people did during the McCarthy hearings in the 1950s. The House un-American activities committee searched for communist sympathisers because they were felt to be a threat to the state. Many Americans were wrongly accused of being communist sympathisers and were convicted and sentenced without any real evidence of them having committed a crime. Mere suspicion was classed as evidence. And like the during the witch hunts, anyone who spoke out was accused which made defending yourself a death wish. This is how McCarthyism was linked with the witch-hunts that had taken place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. The title of the play describes exactly what was happening at the time of the witch-hunts. A crucible is a container in which metals are heated to extracted the pure element from impurities, and crucible is another word for a cauldron that witches use to brew their magic potions in. So the word crucible could metaphorically be used to explain how the activities in Salem were like a potion brewing in a cauldron with the potion being mixed to separate the witches (impurities) from the good, god-loving citizens (element). The opening scene of the play shows the girls dancing in the woods around a cauldron, they are spotted by Parris who also sees that one of them is naked.  The people of Salem were Puritans and so dancing was perceived as a sin.  The morning after the dancing, two of the youngest girls cannot wake from bed. A doctor is called to help the girls but he cannot diagnose what is wrong with them or how they can be helped, His only advice is to look to the unnatural. The girls do not confess to their activities until Parris confronts them. Abigail says all that they did was dance and strongly denies that any of them were naked, Uncle, we did dance. There is nothin more. I swear it, uncle. Mrs Putnam, the mother of the other ill child, believes that her daughter Ruth and Parriss daughter Bettys illnesses are caused by the devil. Parris calls for Hale who is an expert on demonic arts  Parris is the minister of the Village, much to the Putnams dismay. Mr Putnams brother was in competition with Parris for the position of minister and so the Putnams have a grudge against not only Parris, but the Nurse family who prevented him from being minister and many of there neighbours for various reasons. Especially with Giles Corey who has worked out that the Putnams will do anything to get their hands on other peoples land, This man is killing his neighbours for their land! John Proctor also has a grudge against Parris. Hale arrives in Salem, He is a confident and well education young man who believes he has all the answers. As he is examining Betty Giles Corey distracts him by asking him questions about his wife. Giles says that his wife reads strange books whilst they are in bed and while she is reading, he cannot pray. Hale carries on trying to help Betty with little effect. Parris tells Hale that he thinks he saw a kettle in the grass with the girls in the wood with something moving inside it. Hale questions Abigail but she denies that she drank blood and called the devil. Abigail then realises that if the truth is found out she will get in a lot of trouble and so she passes the blame onto Tituba, Parriss black slave, by saying that Tituba forced her to drink blood and even blames her wicked dreams on the slave. Tituba confesses to save herself from being hung. She mentions four peoples names that she supposedly saw with the devil. Abigail mentions more and more names and then the rest of the girls join in, mentioning the names of anyone they hate, have a grudge against or just dislike. As the girls cried out more names, the hysteria began to grow.  By accusing others of witchcraft they are diverting attention away from their original misdemeanours. We can see that the Proctors relationship is not very strong, they make petty small talk over dinner and dont appear to be happy together. One reason for this may be that Elizabeth has not forgiven John for having an affair with Abigail whilst she was ill.  Whilst Mary was at court with the other girls where people were being tried for witchcraft she made a poppet for Elizabeth. Abigail was sitting next to Mary whilst she made it. By now 39 women had been arrested and Goody Osborn was sentenced to hanging.  Mary, who had always been a very shy, timid girl was now becoming very easily led along by Abigail and just as confused between fact and fantasy as the other girls and. This is apparent when she tells the Proctors that Sarah Good had confessed to having made contact with Lucifer, and that Sarah Goods spirit tried to choke her in the courtroom. Mary then speaks of even more fantasy when she says that terrible stomach pains had been inflicted upon her when she had turned the old woman away whilst she was begging. Mary also accused the old woman of mumbling a spell to her, but Sarah Good claimed it was not a spell, it were her commandments. The court asked her to repeat the commandments, but she could not.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Marketing Analysis of Whale Watch Tourism

Marketing Analysis of Whale Watch Tourism Whale Watch- New Zealand’s Ultimate Marine Experience and the Nature-Tourism Market Question One Market Segmentation in the nature-tourism market can be defined as the process through which potential customers with similar needs and characteristics are grouped together so that a tourism organization can apply marketing strategies for the selected market segment efficiently (Oohlala, 2013). Segmentation also involves learning more about customers and making the heterogeneous market into a homogenous market (Bowker, 2014). Segmenting the New Zealand nature-tourism market is viable because it assists in understanding the needs and wants of customers, allocating marketing expenses efficiently, further developing products/services and developing marketing strategies more precisely (Grewal Levy, 2012). The two segments I will divide the domestic nature-tourism market are the: â€Å"Being There† and â€Å"Embracing Life† segments. Comprising of over a quarter of New Zealand’s adult population, ‘Being There’ is definitely an identifiable segment which is large and old. A majority of this segment are aged 55 years or older. They havea female majority and a high percentage of people living alone. The segment can be found throughout all over in New Zealand meaning that it is substantial. Members of this segment have a strong interest in gardening and reading. They also have a positive interest in visiting natural/scenic locations, and are most likely to be a member of church or rotary group. Members of ‘Being There’ are motivated to travel by a yearning to spend time with people they love and appreciate natural/scenic locations. This segment is most interested in sightseeing, natural attractions and walking/hiking and meaning it is a responsive segment for the nature-tourism market. As this segment is relatively wealthy, money is less of a barrier to travel meaning that it is a profitable segment. There are many viable marketing channels that can be used to reach this segment which makes it reachable. These include: Major daily newspapers, special media (e.g. gardening channels/magazines/groups), affinity groups (churches, Rotary, other voluntary groups) are all channels that can be used to reach this market. Another segment for the New Zealand nature-tourism market makes up nearly a quarter of the adult population making it a substantial segment, ‘Living Life’ shares a philosophy to live life to the fullest and embrace nature. This segment is identifiable with a majority of members being aged between 25 and 60 years old. This segment has a dominant family structure of couples with children. Members of ‘Living Life’ can be found throughout all over New Zealand which enables the segment to be substantial. Members of this segment are most likely to have hobbies such as mountaineering, tramping, sight-seeing, boating and gardening at home. This segment is very responsive because vacations are important to them and they holiday frequently within New Zealand. When holidaying in New Zealand, they take part in their favourite activities with their children and partners, away from the pressures of daily life. The ideal holiday for ‘Living Life’ is spending well-earned money on an above all family-friendly, and involves outdoor experiences, scenery and landscapes meaning it is a profitable segment which will spend money on nature-tourism. Key barriers to travel are the amount of annual leave available, work and family commitments. This segment is reachable through channels such as newspaper, media/online (e.g. golf, outdoor, boating, fishing), newspapers and fairs. Question Two In order to evaluate how Whale Watching’s product is perceived by potential customers, it is vital to deconstruct the product into four different levels. This is called the Total Product Concept and we will use this model to deconstruct the product Whale Watch is offering, and evaluate how the company is positioned within the nature-tourism market. Firstly, the Core Product is the fundamental benefit that responds to a potential customer’s need or wants (Elliott, Rundle-Thiele Waller, 2010). For Whale Watch the core benefit for a customer would be being able to observe whales in their natural habitat. This could be for recreational or scientific and educational purposes depending on the motive of the customer. Secondly, the Expected Product is the relative factors that delivers the benefit which forms the core product and fulfil the customer’s most basic expectations (Elliott, Rundle-Thiele Waller, 2010), Whale Watch offers an exciting up-close encounter with the Giant Sperm Whale in their natural environment. In a typical Whale Watch tour, the customer can expect to encounter a wide variety of sea-life and birds. Vessels are crewed by an expert team who are experienced in interacting with the whales. Whale Watch ensures that passenger comfort and safety are always high priority. These are all expected features of the product/service Whale Watch is offering to customers. The Augmented Product offers a combination of benefits that is not a part of the basic level of needs for the customer. It is at the augmented product level where marketers are able to significantly differentiate their products/services from the competition (Elliott, Rundle-Thiele Waller, 2010). Whale Watch is New Zealand’s only vessel-based whale watching experience and the 95% success rate of trips at Whale Watch means that they guarantee an 80% refund and is an example of an augmented service that gives a competitive edge over other companies. Furthermore, it is based in Kaikoura, the Whale Watching capital of New Zealand which provides a unique experience over other locations. Whale Watch is committed to the care and protection of the environment and seeks to minimise waste, promote recycling, use eco-friendly product and minimise their impact on marine life (Whale Watch, 2013). These factors are important for customers who really care about then environment and are conce rned with conservation and the preservation of nature. All these special features and facilities are factors that would help customers to choose Whale Watch over other competitors. The Potential Product of the Product Concept Model comprises all possibilities that could become part of the expected or augmented product. This includes features that are being developed planned as well as features that have not yet been conceived (Elliott, Rundle-Thiele Waller, 2010). In the future, Whale Watch could offer new tours such as swimming with dolphins swimming with whales which would offer a unique, up-and-close, more personal experience. Whale Watch will need to do research on how to bring this programme to life and keep safety measures in mind. Whale Watch seems to be using a differentiation positioning strategies using conservation, nature preservation and a unique approach to attract customers. Whale Watch’s positioning statement is used to succinctly convey their philosophies and approach: â€Å"Whale Watch Kaikoura is New Zealand’s ultimate all year round nature experience offering visitors an exciting up-close encounter with The Giant Sperm Whale† (Whale Watch, 2013). â€Å"We are visitors to the world of the whales and respect it as such at all times. As a Maori owned company, Whale Watch cherishes the twin values of hospitality to visitors and reverence for the natural world† (Whale Watch, 2013). Question Three A service is an act or performance offered by one party to another. They are economic activities that create value and provide benefits for customers at specific times and places as a result of bringing desired change .One of the unique characteristics of a service is that it is inconsistent meaning the service provider cannot provide exactly the same service every time (Brown, 2008). Applying this to Whale Watch’s situation, because of the nature of their service, Whale Watch cannot guarantee the same Whale Watching experience to customers for every tour. Depending on seasonal variations or even the weather on a particular day, every trip will offer a different kind of experience. Customers are not guaranteed to be able to see a consistent number of whales and sea-life on every trip because Whale Watch has little control over this factor. In some seasons of the year, certain animals will not appear at all and on certain days no whales may be sighted at all. Because Whale Watch offers a conservative and completely nature-based experience it cannot â€Å"force† a service and experience for the customer. In order to manage these challenges Whale Watch seems to have particular strategies to target and solve these challenges. Firstly, Whale Watch offers an 80% refund if a tour does not see a whale. Furthermore, Whale Watch staff constantly monitor the weather and respond professionally to any changes. This could a result in a tour being cancelled or safety restrictions placed on children or passengers with medical problems. This is because Whale Watch wants to promote passenger comfort and safety as their number one priority. Furthermore, Whale Watch would want to decrease the chances of a trip a day with bad weather conditions resulting in zero or minimal whale sightings. The on-board plasma screens display a virtual animated tour while the tour is actually taking place so customers will have a larger than life experience even though there may be inconsistency in actual whale and other sea-life sightings. Also, the professional guides and skippers are there in order to maintain consistency in a service with inconsistent characteristics. Whale Watch will make sure that the staff provide a high level of professional service with passenger safety and comfort as their number one priority. This is evident in their constant monitoring of weather and responding any changes. Looking at Whale Watch’s philosophy and positioning statement, the company emphasizes that it is Maori owned which has a reverence for the natural environment and is dedicated to conservation, preservation and respect for wildlife. This is a factor that Whale Watch seems to be using to manage challenges of inconsistency of its services. Many customer’s especially nature-lovers and conservationists will respect the company’s philosophies and understand the unavoidable, inconsistent nature of services that Whale Watch is offering. Word Count: 1590 References Grewal, D., Levy, M. (2013). Marketing (1st ed.). New York: McGraw Hill/Irwin. Oohlala, R. (2013). Tourism market segmentation. Retrieved from (2014). New Zealand Attractions | Kaikoura Whale Watching | Canterbury NZ. Retrieved from Brown, A. (2008). Alex Brown: teaching digital marketing and ending horse slaughter. Retrieved from Bowker, M. (2014). Segmentation, targeting and positioning [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

From My Cold, Dead Hands! :: essays research papers

"From My Cold, Dead Hands!" When anyone mentions â€Å"gun control,† it makes me cringe with disbelief. It is impossible for me to understand why people want to (and might some day) take away my right to gun ownership. They defend their cases by using examples of school shootings and gang violence; this is unremarkably insane to me. The idea that today’s politicians could change the laws of our great land by using the examples of a few misguided youngsters brings back into view other leaders who have done the same. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Idi Amin, Mao Tse-tung, and Pol Pot were powerful tyrants. After taking power, these men took all guns from the civilian population. Our own government has been taking the necessary steps to abolish the second amendment. Owning a gun is a right not a privilege. We, as citizens, have to protect our rights to gun ownership so we can protect ourselves if necessary. James Madison, stated, "I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." ( Changes are made slowly so that the general population doesn’t notice what is happening until the changes are made. For instance, Lenin started out his carrier with everyone looking at him as a great respectable leader. But, over the 6 years of Lenin’s dictatorship more and more evidence of his cruelty emerged. Most people of his time still believed the notion of the â€Å"good Lenin† and the â€Å"bad Stalin.† When in reality few of Stalin’s policies were without roots in Leninism: Lenin built the first concentration camps; Lenin, who disbanded the last vestige of democratic government, the Constituent Assembly, devised the Communist Party as the apex of a totalitarian structure; Lenin, who first waged war on the intelligentsia and on religious believers, wiped out any traces of civil liberty and a free press. In his short reign, from 1917 until his death in 1924, Lenin created a model not merely for his successor, Stalin, but for Mao tse-tung, Hit ler, and Pol Pot; three of the worst tyrants the world has ever seen. (Remnick, Thomas Jefferson once stated, "When the people fear the government you have tyranny... when the government fears the people you have liberty." ( Tyranny, it has happened before and will happen again. It is up to us to take a stand, to hold the government back.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Personal Stregnths and weaknesses Essay -- essays research papers

The Personal Strengths and Weaknesses of Lindsay Nanna   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I first came across this assignment, I was quite apprehensive. I thought about what my teacher and fellow classmates would really think about me then. How would my Learning Group react? But at the same time I knew that this would be a growing experience and when I was completed I could look back on the paper and take a sigh of relief. Honestly, it is much easier for me to say what my weaknesses are than my strengths. I usually tend to go for the difficult men; the ones with some kind of â€Å"problem†. This tends to land me in the middle of nasty break-ups and unfortunate broken hearts. So now one would also agree that I am too forgiving and give too many second chances. Now, all those hurt feelings can sometime tend to leave me cruel and bitter. I am now beginning to understand that not everyone has the same work ethics as I do. It greatly frustrates me when I see a fellow co-worker messing around on the job and when I tell my manager it seems as if they don’t care. It makes me feel like a nag, but it is really something that is important to me, especially since the matter deals with patient care on the bottom line. At work, I get rather upset when I see fraternizing between certain cliques. I know that any office has the same politics, but it to me is still hard to swallow. Another weakness is that when I have my mind made up, there is no stopping me. Now, one could see this as a strengt...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Obama’s Speech rhetorical analysis Essay

In his awaited response to Chicago pastor, Jeremiah Wright’s uncivil outburst, Barrack Obama puts to shame the hasteful denunciations from Americans. He creates redemption for Wright’s actions which produces an emotional appeal with his citizens. Ushered forward by Obama is the back story of Reverend Wright,- something Obama’s audience had been comfortably oblivious to until now- his hardships, victories, and benevolent deeds that reveal his true nature; not the one of ill nature or ignorance that one might think otherwise. But, before President Obama can do this, he must give himself a sense of credibility through sharing a portion of his own backstory. In the 6th paragraph of Obama’s speech, he introduces a small yet personal synopsis of his family’s story. He acknowledges the role that the United States has played in Obama’s kin, and his own, journey â€Å"And for as long as I live†¦ my story is even possible.† (paragraph 6, lines 7-8) Although, he says â€Å"my story,† Obama is rhetorically telling his audience the United States of America is the sole place where almost anything can be accomplished, no matter how unfeasible the quest; many grown Americans are able to connect to this one statement because America, the land of the brave and free, is the reason they have their own â€Å"my story.† He confirms this notion in lines 9 and 10 of the same paragraph,â€Å"this nation is more†¦ we are truly one.† Obama’s mixed race that he identifies in this paragraph(6) sets up as an anecdote used 15 paragraphs later. â€Å"I can no more disown him than†¦ stereotypes that made me cringe.† (paragraph 21, lines 1-5) President Obama makes the point of acquainting with the â€Å"black community† before introducing his white grandmother. His verbal gesture emphasizes neither is above the other and reinforces his racial credibility. The president qualifies his beloved grandma as an illustration that demonstrates how even though loved ones have the occasional slip-ups, they should not be grounds to break ties. Obama captures his audience in a thought bubble where they decide if a loved one has more rights than other humans. â€Å"These people are part of me. And†¦ this country that I love.† (paragraph 22) This succeeding line to his grandmother anecdote continues  the flow and thoughts gathered from paragraph 6 that says Americans are independently â€Å"One† with each other if they overcome simplistic prejudices. At the time Obama makes his speech he fights two battles: a battle of the polls and one of morality, but not just Reverend’s ethics, all Americans for the past 221 years are included. â€Å"The press has scoured†¦ black and brown as well.† (paragraph 7, lines 7-9) The President draws a parallel that indicates ideas of racial inequality is something that will exist no matter the society. Obama seeks to change this. He looks to the young and new generations to fulfill America’s true purpose- freedom. â€Å"what gives me the most hope is the next generation† (paragraph 43, line 4) President Obama looks to youth because they carry not the burdens of their ancestors as they are born into a more accepting world. American young are Obama’s (peaceful) Aryan race(s). Their appearance does not blend. They stand out from one another. Yet  their minds blend more or less. And that is why they are perfect. Obama’s Aryan race is already on the move; Ashley Baia is one of his soldiers. President Obama shares Baia’s story from paragraph 44-47 and how she saw not in hues, but in virtue. â€Å"She sought out allies in her fight against injustice.† (paragraph 46, line 3) The relevance of Baia’s story presents itself when she asks her group members why they had joined her. All but one elderly black man has a specific reason. Obama shares the old man’s reason in antimetabole â€Å"And he doesn’t†¦ Barack Obama.† (paragraph 47, lines 4&5) The use of antimetabole in this context lowers the importance of the presented reasons enough to grasp all listener’s attention. â€Å"I am here because of Ashley.† said the old man; â€Å"I’m here because of Ashley.† said Obama. He repeats the same phrase but changes â€Å"I am† to â€Å"I’m.† The subtle change in punctuation makes his words feel like a whole different statement is being made-and there is. Obama is saying that Baia is an inspiration that has influenced him to this road of candidacy, and therefore has changed all of our lives. Ashley Baia ate mustard and relish sandwiches for a year. That was her sacrifice to injustice. Obama’s silent inquiry then establishes itself: What sacrifice have you made to combat injustice? America answered eight months later when Barack Obama became the first African American President of the United States.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Examining Ethnic Differences in Achievemen Essay

1. The definition of an ethnic group is a group of people of the same race or nationality that share the same cultural norms and values. 2. Three ways in which the education system may encourage separation between children of different ethnic backgrounds are: Labelling and teacher racism, many teachers label their students and studies by interactionist sociologists found out that many teachers labelled black children as disruptive and they didn’t want them in their class. Another reason is the ethnocentric curriculum. Troyna and Williams describe the curriculum in British schools as ethnocentric because it gives priority to white culture and the English language; this causes separation between white pupils and other ethnic pupils. A final reason is the selection and segregation available to schools. David Gillborn argues that marketization has given schools greater scope to select pupils. This puts some ethnic minority pupils at a disadvantage because selection gives more scope for negative stereotypes to influence decisions about school admissions. 3. There are many ways in which factors in children’s home background may lead to differences in achievement levels between ethnic groups. The first way is cultural deprivation; this is split into 3 aspects. The first is intellectual and linguistic skills. Cultural deprivation theorists argue that many children from low-income black families lack intellectual stimulation and enriching experiences. Bereiter and Engelmann consider the language spoken by low-income black American families as inadequate for educational success. The next aspect is attitudes and values. Cultural deprivation theorists say that some black children are socialised into a subculture that instils a fatalistic ‘live for toady’ attitude that does not value education and leaves them unequipped for success. The final aspect of cultural deprivation is family structure and parental support. Daniel Moynihan argues that because many black families are headed by a lone mother, their children are deprived of adequate care because she has to struggle financially in the absence of a male breadwinner. Also Ken Pryce claims that Asians are higher achievers because their cukture is more resistant to racism and gives them a greater sense of self-worth. However, he argues, black Caribbean culture is less cohesive and less resistant to racism. As a result, many balck pupils have low self-esteem and under-achieve. Another reason is Material deprivation and class. According to Flaherty; Pakistani’s and Bangladeshis are over three times more likely than whites to be in the poorest fifth of the population, as a result statistics show that Pakistani and Bangladeshi boys are among the lowest ethnic groups in the country to obtain 5 A-C GCSE’s. A final reason is racism in wider society. David Mason says â€Å" discrimination is a continuing and persistent feature of the experience of Britain’s citizens of minority ethnic origin. † 4. The differences in educational attainment between different groups of pupils have been a major focus of much sociological research. These differences can often be seen to be largely due to different social class, but also gender or ethnicity. Social class is the most significant and dominant factor when looking at these differences, but ethnicity also has a relative impact on educational achievement. Education has a key role to play in eradicating racism and valuing diversity and it a responsibility for all educational establishments, including those with few or no ethnic minority pupils. Promoting racial equality demands a whole school approach and commitment from all those who are involved in the life and work of their school. Racism is linked to the educational achievement of minority ethnic groups, however the connections are complex. Gilborn and Mirza conclude that ‘social class and gender differences are also associated with differences in attainment but neither can account for persistent underlying ethnic inequalities: comparing like with like, African Caribbean, Pakistani and Bangladeshi pupils do not enjoy equal opportunities. ’ They also argue that in promoting educational inclusion as a means of raising standards, there is a need ‘for clarity and guidance in translating the commitment to equality and inclusion into policy proposals and practice at the local and school level. Many cultural deprivation theorists see the lack of intellectual and linguistic skills as a major cause of under-achievement. Gordon Bowker identifies their lack of standard English as a major barrier to progress in education and integration into wider society. However the Swann Report found that language was not a major factor in under-achievement. Other cultural deprivation theorists suc as Charles Murray argue that a high rate of lone parenthood and a lack of positive male role models lead to the under-achievement of some minorities. Also Anthony Flew believes that ethnic differences in achievement stem from cultural differences outside the education system, not discrimination within it. However Geoffrey Driver criticises the cultural deprivation theory for ignoring the positive effects of ethnicity on achievement. He shows that the black Caribbean family, far from being dysfunctional, provides girls with positive role models of strong independent wome Driver argues this is why black girls tend to be more successful in education than black boys. Some socilogists that the ethnic differences in education are cause by racism. John Rex shows how racial discrimination leads to social exclusion and how this worsens the poverty faced by ethnic minorities. In housing, for instance, discrimination means that minorities are more likely to be forced into substandard acoomodation than white people of the same class. This creates separation due to the ethnic children not being able to study at home and therefore getting lower grades than the white children who are able to study at home.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Adult Learning Theory

It has been found that children learn because they have to, while adults learn for reasons usually based on self motivated factors or androgogy (Holt, 2011). â€Å"Teaching that transforms: Facilitating life change through adult Bible teaching† by Richard A. Holt (2011), it is stated that it is necessary to bring both concepts of the Bible teaching and contemporary adult learning theories together for the most effectiveness. In the Holt article; it is shown that Biblical explanation and interpretation assist the adult learner in gaining knowledge. The choices one makes gives real world perspective and power can only be obtained by the Holy Spirit. The article discusses the styles in which adult learning makes a difference, whether androgogy, transformative learning or self-directed learning (Holt). Adult Learning Theory for the Twenty-First Century† discusses the goals of educators to better prepare themselves to better deal with adult learners. Over the last 15 years, learning theories have changed very aggressively (Merriam, 2008). As adults continue to develop human physiology changes, thus learning teaching styles have to change to keep up. It has been recognized that with time everything that adults experience is part of the l earning process. It has been further recognized that educators have to increase their tool set to involve creative and artistic modes of teaching to reach a wider audience. Both articles cover the ever-changing dynamics of the human psyche and educational styles and requirements in dealing with adult learning. Educators have to continue to increase knowledge both for themselves as well as those whom they are educating. Where the styles of the teaching process in the Holt (2011) article differ from the Merriam (2008) article, they both recognize the changes in adult learners. It has been recognized over years and will continue for years to come that educators of adults will have to continue honing their skill sets to accommodate the learning styles of adults. Since adults learn differently from children it is important to include the learning styles necessary to maximize the efforts of educators. As adults learning styles change it will be necessary for those educating adults to change also. Reflection After reading both articles and realizing the application in my own life and learning style, I conclude that adults learn differently. There were moments of complete frustration as I was putting my thoughts together as I can tend to be somewhat of a perfectionist. I had the realization that time management and organizational skills are imperative when completing an assignment of any type. The Holt (2011) article caught my attention initially because of how I tend to study and read the Bible in particular. I am coming to understand more and more how I learn and further realize that the concepts of knowledge, choice and power are applicable in my own life. I am intrigued by the concept mentioned in the Holt article and will consider its application to my current Bible study methods. The Merriam (2008) article is interesting in the fact that I had no idea how challenging it is for educators to keep up with the learning curve that is necessary to continue teaching the increasing number of adult learners. Being out of the college environment for so long, I realize it is not as easy to just get things done with all of the demands of life as I know it. I can see how both articles and their teaching styles have a positive impact on dealing with adult learning. With all of the influences of culture, music, art, etc, it is imperative that educators find a way to keep up with the demands of educating the population of adults returning to increase their knowledge to keep up with fast paced American culture. I now have a new respect for teachers on all levels. It is interesting that adult educator’s find is so necessary to effectively reach adults. It is increasingly more common for adults to return to school for a number of reasons, and are driven to succeed for just as many reasons. Thankfully educators realize the change necessary to comprehend the goals of those adults striving for successes related to educating themselves. References Holt, R. A. (2011). Teaching that transforms: Facilitating life change through adult Bible teaching. Christian Education Journal,  8(2), 450+ Merriam, S. B. (2008). Adult learning theory for the twenty-first century. New Directions For Adult And Continuing Education, Volume 2008, Issue 119, 93-98. DOI: 10. 1002/ace. 309 Adult Learning Theory It has been found that children learn because they have to, while adults learn for reasons usually based on self motivated factors or androgogy (Holt, 2011). â€Å"Teaching that transforms: Facilitating life change through adult Bible teaching† by Richard A. Holt (2011), it is stated that it is necessary to bring both concepts of the Bible teaching and contemporary adult learning theories together for the most effectiveness. In the Holt article; it is shown that Biblical explanation and interpretation assist the adult learner in gaining knowledge. The choices one makes gives real world perspective and power can only be obtained by the Holy Spirit. The article discusses the styles in which adult learning makes a difference, whether androgogy, transformative learning or self-directed learning (Holt). Adult Learning Theory for the Twenty-First Century† discusses the goals of educators to better prepare themselves to better deal with adult learners. Over the last 15 years, learning theories have changed very aggressively (Merriam, 2008). As adults continue to develop human physiology changes, thus learning teaching styles have to change to keep up. It has been recognized that with time everything that adults experience is part of the l earning process. It has been further recognized that educators have to increase their tool set to involve creative and artistic modes of teaching to reach a wider audience. Both articles cover the ever-changing dynamics of the human psyche and educational styles and requirements in dealing with adult learning. Educators have to continue to increase knowledge both for themselves as well as those whom they are educating. Where the styles of the teaching process in the Holt (2011) article differ from the Merriam (2008) article, they both recognize the changes in adult learners. It has been recognized over years and will continue for years to come that educators of adults will have to continue honing their skill sets to accommodate the learning styles of adults. Since adults learn differently from children it is important to include the learning styles necessary to maximize the efforts of educators. As adults learning styles change it will be necessary for those educating adults to change also. Reflection After reading both articles and realizing the application in my own life and learning style, I conclude that adults learn differently. There were moments of complete frustration as I was putting my thoughts together as I can tend to be somewhat of a perfectionist. I had the realization that time management and organizational skills are imperative when completing an assignment of any type. The Holt (2011) article caught my attention initially because of how I tend to study and read the Bible in particular. I am coming to understand more and more how I learn and further realize that the concepts of knowledge, choice and power are applicable in my own life. I am intrigued by the concept mentioned in the Holt article and will consider its application to my current Bible study methods. The Merriam (2008) article is interesting in the fact that I had no idea how challenging it is for educators to keep up with the learning curve that is necessary to continue teaching the increasing number of adult learners. Being out of the college environment for so long, I realize it is not as easy to just get things done with all of the demands of life as I know it. I can see how both articles and their teaching styles have a positive impact on dealing with adult learning. With all of the influences of culture, music, art, etc, it is imperative that educators find a way to keep up with the demands of educating the population of adults returning to increase their knowledge to keep up with fast paced American culture. I now have a new respect for teachers on all levels. It is interesting that adult educator’s find is so necessary to effectively reach adults. It is increasingly more common for adults to return to school for a number of reasons, and are driven to succeed for just as many reasons. Thankfully educators realize the change necessary to comprehend the goals of those adults striving for successes related to educating themselves. References Holt, R. A. (2011). Teaching that transforms: Facilitating life change through adult Bible teaching. Christian Education Journal,  8(2), 450+ Merriam, S. B. (2008). Adult learning theory for the twenty-first century. New Directions For Adult And Continuing Education, Volume 2008, Issue 119, 93-98. DOI: 10. 1002/ace. 309 Adult Learning Theory